HighResMIP protocol
The HighResMIP protocol is described in detail in [http://www.geosci-model-dev-discuss.net/gmd-2016-66/ Haarsma et al 2016]. It is one of the MIP projects for WCRP's CMIP6 CMIP6 HighResMIP.
The HighResMIP output requirements are described in the Data Request
Below is a short outline of the protocol
Tier 1: Forced-atmosphere runs 1950-2014
Experiment name: highresSST-present
Using HadISST2.2.0.0 1/4 degree SST and sea-ice forcing dataset - see https://hrcm.ceda.ac.uk/research/cmip6-highresmip/highresmip-protocol/sst-and-sea-ice-forcing/
Tier 2: Coupled runs 1950-2050
Control: 100 years with 1950's forcing Experiment name: control-1950
Historic: 1950-2014 with historic forcing Experiment name: hist-1950
Future: 2015-2050 Experiment name: highres-future
Spin-up: 50 year spin-up from EN4 ocean climatology with constant 1950's forcing. Experiment name: spinup-1950
Tier 3: Forced-atmosphere 2015-2050 (2100)
2015-2050 (2100) Experiment name: highresSST-future
Motivation of these three Tiers
Focus of HighResMIP is on the 1950-2050 period (Tier 2). This period includes significant past changes and the time horizon for the future is relevant for decision makers.
The division of the forced-atmosphere (AMIP-style) runs in Tier 1 and Tier 3 is to enable NWP centers to participate. It also includes the possibility for end of the century simulations.
Resolution: Atmosphere 20-50 km; Ocean ~0.25 degree
Experiments are repeated with standard resolution. This version is also the entry for DECK runs.
HighResMIP philosophy: No or minimal additional tuning for high resolution version. If tuning is necessary it should be well documented.
Further targeted experiments
Leaf area index (LAI) experiment highresSST-LAI
Smoothed SST highresSST-smoothed
CFMIP style experiments highresSST-p4K; highresSST-4co2
Abrupt 4XCO2 highres-4co2